How to Change System Language on Mac

Is your native language different from the one shipped with your Mac? Or are you sharing a Mac with someone whose native language is different from yours? In any case, you are going to want to change it. Within this blog, I will show you How to Change System Language on Mac.

  1. In the top left-hand corner click the Apple Menu ()
  2. From the Apple menu select System Settings
  3. On the system settings select General
  4. From the general menu select Language & Region
  5. Now select the + symbol from Preferred Languages
  6. Select a preferred language from the popup window
  7. Click Add
  8. Drag the language to the top of the list to change the system language

It is not always easy following along with a how-to with a simple list. So I have the how-to with pictures and, if you look below, even video instructions.

How to Change System Language on Mac

Changing your system language is a two-part process. The first part of the process is to change the section that controls the menus, dialog boxes, etc.

The second part is to change the language of the keyboard and we will cover that below.

So let’s first cover how to change the system language on macOS:

Step 1. In the top left-hand corner click the Apple Menu ()

Step 2. From the Apple menu select System Settings

Apple Menu > System Settings
Apple Menu > System Settings

Step 3. On the system settings select General

Step 4. From the general menu select Language & Region

System Settings > General
System Settings > General

Step 5. Now select the + symbol from Preferred Languages

System Settings > General > Language & Region
System Settings > General > Language & Region

Step 6. Select a preferred language from the popup window

Step 7. Click Add

System Settings > General > Language & Region > Preferred Languages
System Settings > General > Language & Region > Preferred Languages

Step 8. Drag the language to the top of the list to change the system language

Mac Preferred Languages
Mac Preferred Languages

In some instances for the changes to take effect, you will need to restart your Mac.

Now you have your system language changed. All the controls, menus, dialog boxes, etc should now be in different languages.

The next step you will want to learn How to Switch Keyboard Language on Mac.

How to Change System Language on macOS

If you prefer video, I have you covered with this simple-to-follow video on How to Change System Language on macOS.